Interlibrary services for libraries
Interlibrary loan requests are addressed to the Interlibrary Loan service:
- via electronic form (one request per form)
- by e-mail: (one request per message) or
- by post: Open Science Centre, Library / Interlibrary Loans, P.O. Box 35 (B, Lähde), FI-40014 UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ
The libraries are charged for interlibrary loans. Invoices are sent to the ordering library a couple of times a year.
What the Library lends and does not lend
The Library lends
- books from the General Collection
- course books only for the JYU students and JYU Open University students. The customer’s student status must be mentioned in the order.
- journals from the General Collection located in the stacks
- books from the Depository Collection for reading room use if they are not available elsewhere
- newspapers in microfilm if not available elsewhere
The Library does not lend
- short loans, reference copies
- journals, maps and audiovisual material from the Depository Collection
- Theses published since 1997 can be read mostly on the Library’s website.
- Theses published from 1980 to 1996 are lent as microfiche.
- Theses published before 1980 are usually lent in printed form for reading room use.
Articles from electronic journals will be sent if the licence allows.
Loan period
As a rule, the loan period of interlibrary loans is 28 days. Textbooks have loan period of 14 days.
Requesting a book on loan
Libraries themselves must not place a hold on a book that has the status “checked out” in JYKDOK. The book must be requested as an interlibrary loan.
An interlibrary loan can be renewed unless a request has been placed for the item:
- by e-mail:
- tel. +358 50 428 6055 or +358 40 561 3831
Overdue notices, fines and payment collection
We will send the library two reminders for a loan not returned by the due date. Overdue fees are not collected, however.
The borrowing rights of the library will not be suspended, but the library cannot renew the loans if items remain unreturned.
The library will be invoiced for a lost item.