Welcome to research skills training by the Open Science Centre!
Doctoral students, researchers and other personnel are welcome to our English courses and lectures where we look at the research process from different angles. You can attend most classes on location or remotely; the choice is made on the registration form.
Sign up in the staff training calendar: choose the category Research-related skills to see all classes (change the language in upper right corner). Coming up in spring 2024:
- Research Data Management for Thesis Supervisors in English: 15.1. and in Finnish: 11.1. and 27.5.
- Introduction to REDCap in English: 7.3. and in Finnish: 30.1.Dissertation start-up in English 12.3. and in Finnish 14.2. and 16.4.
- Choosing the publication channel in English 12.3. and in Finnish 20.2. and 18.4.
- Open education in English 13.3. and in Finnish 21.2. and 25.4.
- Open Access publishing in English 13.3. and in Finnish 16.2. and 25.4.
- Research data management
- Data containing personal information
- In English: 19.3. (classroom training only) and 21.5. (remote training only).
- In Finnish: 22.2 (classroom training only) and 16.5 (remote training only).
- Data not containing personal information
- In English 8.5. (classroom training only).
- In Finnish 23.4. (classroom training only).
- Data containing personal information
- Research merits in English 21.3. and in Finnish 21.2. and 18.4.
- Methodology guides and databases in English 21.3. and in Finnish 20.2. and 17.4.
- Make your data visible to the world: A Metadata Clinic in English: 11.4. (classroom training only) and in Finnish: 15.2. (classroom training only)
We also offer training in citation management: Signing-up and schedules are in Kongressi, search with the course name: Reference Manager Zotero (change the language in upper right corner).
Open Science Resource online course (1 ect) will run 15.1.-21.4.2024.
You can also book a tailored training session or info sessions for doctoral seminars or research projects. Help is available e.g. for opening research data and metadata – tailored clinics are also available for faculties. Any questions or need help? Email us e.g. at researchsupport-osc@jyu.fi
Further information: Marjo Vallittu
This staff training is part of staff development at JYU. For all scheduled staff training, please see the staff training calendar. To see all the ways JYU supports the development of your competence, go to the Uno Staff Portal and select the Learning and Wellbeing tab.