LibKey & BrowZine – faster access to articles

Third Iron’s services LibKey and BrowZine have been acquired to support the information seeking of the University of Jyväskylä students and staff. In many ways, they provide faster and simpler access to scientific journals and articles. Due to the implementation of LibKey and BrowZine, the use of browser extension Lean Library will end at the university on 1 January 2024.
Information seeking in JYKDOK

LibKey and BrowZine appear in JYKDOK’s search results for international articles as two different links. The "PDF full-text" link finds the pdf-format article and opens it immediately in the browser. The "Show full issue" link, on the other hand, takes you to the BrowZine app, where you can browse the full issue of the journal as well as other volumes.

Search view of an article with LibKey features: PDF Full Text and View Complete Issue links are circled in red, below the article info.

Online information seeking

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that helps you find the material the library has acquired. If you go directly to the publisher's page, you will not be able to access licensed materials. However, LibKey Nomad can indicate if an article is available through the library and provides the user with a direct link to download the article. LibKey Nomad is available to six different browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave, Vivaldi and Safari.

If you want to search for articles directly with a DOI or PMID identifiers, you can try a search.

BrowZine – browsing and reading e-journals

BrowZine is a service that displays e-journals ordered by the library as well as openly available e-journals. The journals are organized by topic and can be browsed and saved in their own collections. You do not need to log in to BrowZine to use it for browsing journals. If you want to use personalized services, i.e. your own bookshelf and article saving, you can create your own account in BrowZine on its login page. For an email address, you can use the address you want. BrowZine can also be downloaded to your phone or tablet from the app store.

The use of browser extension Lean Library will end at the university on 1 January 2024.

Further information and feedback can be directed to: