Aalto Library

Hyllyjä Aallon lukusalissa

Location and address

Seminaarinkatu 15, Main Building C (map)

Opening hours

Open as a self-service reading room according to the opening hours of the Main Building (Mon–Fri from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm).
NB: Aalto Library is closed from 21 June to 4 Aug 2024. In case you need to use the collections, you can contact the janitors: vahtimestarit-seminaarinmaki@jyu.fi, tel. 029 4418069.


  • Documents of Finnish Parliament
  • Finland's state calendar
  • Act and statute collections
  • Supreme Court of Finland and Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
  • Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
  • Statistical yearbooks
  • Statistics reports
  • Committee reports
  • JYU’s dissertation series
  • Local histories
  • Bibliographies (history, economic history, church history, religion, arts and literature)
  • Historical source material
  • Dictionaries

See Location map of collections.


Not for home loan.


Quiet study area. Workstations and Wi-Fi.


Alvar Aalto