Loeb Classical Library is now in trial use at University of Jyväskylä until the end of October

Loeb classical library contains over 500 classic antique texts. These texts are available to read in both their original language (Greek or Latin) as well as in English translations. Digital Library contains every print version of Loeb volumes and is updated frequently with new and revised Loeb volumes.

Key features of the Digital Library include:

  • Single- and dual-language reading modes
  • Sophisticated Bookmarking and Annotation features
  • Greek keyboard
  • User account and My Loeb content saved in perpetuity
  • Intuitive Search and Browse of the volumes

You can use Digital Library from here: ezproxy.jyu.fi/login?url=https://www.loebclassics.com/.

The service can be used both in campus grounds and remotely. The trial use will end on October 31 2023.

Instructions on use and answers to frequently asked questions can be found: https://www.loebclassics.com/page/usingloeb

We will gladly receive any feedback regarding trial uses. Feedback and more information regarding this trial use can be directed to: hank-esitys@library.jyu.fi