One-click-access to articles

Trial for LibKey and Browzine until the 12th of November

Imagine one-click- access to PDFs and article pages. more navigating source screens, waiting on different pages to load, or hunting around for a PDF button on different vendor pages. How? With LibKey.

The LibKey browser plugin offers to those users that often start their research on the open web, such as publisher websites, Wikipedia, ResearchGate etc. a Chrome, Firefox and Edge Browser extension. – It is becoming increasingly common for researchers to look for articles by identifiers. meets this need by providing a landing page wherein one-click, DOI and PubMed ID searches are matched against your library subscribed and open access resources. 

BrowZine – A tool that allows your users to easily browse, read, and keep up-to-date with current scholarly journal content on any device. BrowZine is available as a desktop version and also available as an app. 

BrowZine’s trial use from your mobile device
  • Download BrowZine from your store. (If you have previously been using BrowZine with our Open Access library, please delete the app and reinstall it.)
  • Next, tap on the app icon to open BrowZine. A list of libraries will appear, please select University of Jyväskylä and tap Continue to enter the library.
  • Start browsing! Use the Subject dropdown menu to browse by subject categories or our Titles A-Z to find a specific title by name.

Services powered by Third Iron.

Instructions / demonstration about LibKey and Browzine on Youtube.

More information and feedback: Tytti Leppänen